Health Coach Leslie Knox Explains Mobility Training

What is Mobility Training? 

Mobility training is best described as overcoming limited range of motion caused by poor postural positions such as sitting in front of a computer or holding the phone to our ear – our muscles get tight and it can become uncomfortable or even painful.]

Benefits of Mobility Training

When we include Mobility training in our routines, we can improve our range of motion of our joints and muscles as well as improve our posture. It helps because it can alleviate everyday discomfort in our muscles – but also if we head into a workout with limited range of motion, muscles that are smaller and weaker will try to assist and this could lead to injury. Additionally, this could mean the primary muscle is not doing the work and therefore not really getting stronger.

Tools for Mobility Training 

In addition to stretching, we can use a variety of tools to assist our mobility training. How do you get the most use out of these tools?

-We may think that we should just continue to roll on the tool when in reality we want to find the trigger point and then try to put pressure on that spot to break up the tightness that is there.

-You put the tool in the general area of tightness, find the most tender spot or tightest spot and then put some pressure on it for about 20-30 seconds-but no longer than about 2 minutes.

-Then you want to roll around that spot from all angles.

Mobility training is not always fun work but if you are consistent at it, the rewards can be beneficial!

Rob’s Big Losers Winner Sheds More Than 30 Pounds!

Leslie is the overall winner of Rob’s Big Losers! She lost more than 30 pounds and was an at-home competitor. She fits in workouts early in the morning and during her breaks at work. After spending years focusing on everyone else in her family, she’s now making her health a priority.

Week 12: Day FIVE At Home Workout Video

Week 12: Day FIVE At Home Workout Video

Week 12: Day Five Workout – 

Chest / Shoulders / Biceps / Abs
Always warm up with 3-5 minutes of movement & perform “Shoulder Openers.”

Rest 1 minute in between each round.

**Tri-Set: work each exercise in a row before starting again**
Chest press w/ dumbbell —10 to 12 reps — 3 sets
Lateral raise w/ dumbbell —10 to 12 reps — 3 sets
Hammer curl w/ dumbbell  — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets

Chest flye  — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets
Shoulder press  — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets
Alternating bicep curl w/ dumbbell  — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets

Incline chest press  — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets
Rear delt banded presses  — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets
Concentration curl  — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets

Crunch dumbbell roll up — 15 reps — 3 sets
Heel side to side touches — 15 reps — 3 sets
Hold dumbbell over chest w/ reverse crunch  — 15 reps — 3 sets



Weekly Workouts Planned By YMCA of Greenville (SC) Leslie Knox –  ACSM Certified Personal Trainer

Made possible in part:

As with all exercise programs, when using our exercise videos, you need to use common sense. To reduce and avoid injury, you will want to check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program. By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk., YMCA of Greenville or HIS Radio will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our fitness program, online fitness videos, or information shared on our website. This includes emails, videos and text. Thanks for your understanding.
You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. This is particularly true if you (or your family) have a history of high blood pressure or heart disease, or if you have ever experienced chest pain when exercising or have experienced chest pain in the past month when not engaged in physical activity, smoke, have high cholesterol, are obese, or have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in physical activity. Do not start this fitness program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately.

Week 12: Day THREE At Home Workout Video

Week 12: Day THREE At Home Workout Video

Week 12: Day Three Workout – 

Always warm up with 3-5 minutes of movement & perform “Hip Openers”
Rest 1 minute in between each Super-set (do 2 exercises in a row before starting again)

Dumbbell Squats — 10 to 12 reps — 3 Sets
Front Lunges w/ Dumbbells —10 reps — 3 sets

Sumo Squats w/ Dumbbells  — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets
Side Lunge w/ or w/out Dumbbells  — 10 reps — 3 sets

Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlift  — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets
Rear Lunge w/ or w/out Dumbbells  — 10 reps — 3 sets

Hip Bridge w/ or w/out Weight  — 15 reps — 3 sets

Bug — 30 seconds — 3 sets
Plank — 30 seconds — 3 sets



Weekly Workouts Planned By YMCA of Greenville (SC) Leslie Knox –  ACSM Certified Personal Trainer

Made possible in part:

As with all exercise programs, when using our exercise videos, you need to use common sense. To reduce and avoid injury, you will want to check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program. By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk., YMCA of Greenville or HIS Radio will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our fitness program, online fitness videos, or information shared on our website. This includes emails, videos and text. Thanks for your understanding.
You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. This is particularly true if you (or your family) have a history of high blood pressure or heart disease, or if you have ever experienced chest pain when exercising or have experienced chest pain in the past month when not engaged in physical activity, smoke, have high cholesterol, are obese, or have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in physical activity. Do not start this fitness program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately.

Week 12: Cardiovascular Workouts

This is your final push through to the 5K on Saturday!!

Cardiovascular workouts should be done on Days 2, 4 and 6. You can use the description below as a guide.


  • Continue with program from Phase 1 OR
  • Interval Training (30 minutes) OR
  • High Intensity Interval Training (20 minutes) OR
  • Work on the Couch 2 5K program


Couch to 5K — Complete three times this week

  • For your 3 runs in Week 12:
    • Begin with a brisk five-minute walk
    • Then 30 minutes of running
  • Working on INCREASING endurance!!


Weekly Workouts Planned By YMCA of Greenville (SC) Leslie Knox –  ACSM Certified Personal Trainer

Made possible in part:

As with all exercise programs, when using our exercise videos, you need to use common sense. To reduce and avoid injury, you will want to check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program. By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk., YMCA of Greenville or HIS Radio will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our fitness program, online fitness videos, or information shared on our website. This includes emails, videos and text. Thanks for your understanding.
You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. This is particularly true if you (or your family) have a history of high blood pressure or heart disease, or if you have ever experienced chest pain when exercising or have experienced chest pain in the past month when not engaged in physical activity, smoke, have high cholesterol, are obese, or have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in physical activity. Do not start this fitness program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately.

Week 12: Day ONE At Home Workout Video

Week 12: Day ONE At Home Workout Video

It’s our final week! Let’s push strong!

Week 12: Day One Workout – 

Always warm up with 3-5 minutes of movement & perform “Shoulder Openers”
Rest 1 minute in between each Tri-set (work each exercise in a row before starting again)

Pull up (modified, try to increase intensity) — As many reps as possible (AMRAP) — 3 Sets
Banded squat stance row —10 to 12 reps — 3 sets
Kettlebell swing (can be done w/dumbbell) — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets

Dip (be very careful with this move)— 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets
Standing behind the head tricep extension — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets
Close grip tricep chest press — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets
Dumbbell kickbacks — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets

Spider abs — 10 (5 each side) — 3 sets
Supermans — 15 reps — 3 sets



Weekly Workouts Planned By YMCA of Greenville (SC) Leslie Knox –  ACSM Certified Personal Trainer

Made possible in part:

As with all exercise programs, when using our exercise videos, you need to use common sense. To reduce and avoid injury, you will want to check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program. By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk., YMCA of Greenville or HIS Radio will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our fitness program, online fitness videos, or information shared on our website. This includes emails, videos and text. Thanks for your understanding.
You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. This is particularly true if you (or your family) have a history of high blood pressure or heart disease, or if you have ever experienced chest pain when exercising or have experienced chest pain in the past month when not engaged in physical activity, smoke, have high cholesterol, are obese, or have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in physical activity. Do not start this fitness program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately.

Week 11: Day SEVEN – Rest!

Week 11: Day SEVEN

Take time to REST today!!


Weekly Workouts Planned By YMCA of Greenville (SC) Leslie Knox –  ACSM Certified Personal Trainer

Made possible in part by:

The Retirment Company Logo.png

Made possible in part:

As with all exercise programs, when using our exercise videos, you need to use common sense. To reduce and avoid injury, you will want to check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program. By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk., YMCA of Greenville or HIS Radio will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our fitness program, online fitness videos, or information shared on our website. This includes emails, videos and text. Thanks for your understanding.
You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. This is particularly true if you (or your family) have a history of high blood pressure or heart disease, or if you have ever experienced chest pain when exercising or have experienced chest pain in the past month when not engaged in physical activity, smoke, have high cholesterol, are obese, or have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in physical activity. Do not start this fitness program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately.

Week 11: Day FIVE At Home Workout Video

Week 11: Day FIVE At Home Workout Video

Week 11: Day Five Workout – 

Chest / Shoulders / Biceps / Abs
Always warm up with 3-5 minutes of movement & perform “Shoulder Openers.”

Rest 1 minute in between each round.

**Tri-Set: work each exercise in a row before starting again**
Chest press w/ dumbbell —10 to 12 reps — 3 sets
Lateral raise w/ dumbbell —10 to 12 reps — 3 sets
Hammer curl w/ dumbbell  — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets

Chest flye  — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets
Shoulder press  — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets
Alternating bicep curl w/ dumbbell  — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets

Incline chest press  — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets
Rear delt banded presses  — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets
Concentration curl  — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets

Crunch dumbbell roll up — 15 reps — 3 sets
Heel side to side touches — 15 reps — 3 sets
Hold dumbbell over chest w/ reverse crunch  — 15 reps — 3 sets



Weekly Workouts Planned By YMCA of Greenville (SC) Leslie Knox –  ACSM Certified Personal Trainer

Made possible in part:

As with all exercise programs, when using our exercise videos, you need to use common sense. To reduce and avoid injury, you will want to check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program. By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk., YMCA of Greenville or HIS Radio will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our fitness program, online fitness videos, or information shared on our website. This includes emails, videos and text. Thanks for your understanding.
You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. This is particularly true if you (or your family) have a history of high blood pressure or heart disease, or if you have ever experienced chest pain when exercising or have experienced chest pain in the past month when not engaged in physical activity, smoke, have high cholesterol, are obese, or have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in physical activity. Do not start this fitness program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately.

Week 11: Day THREE At Home Workout Video

Week 11: Day THREE At Home Workout Video

Week 11: Day Three Workout – 

Always warm up with 3-5 minutes of movement & perform “Hip Openers”
Rest 1 minute in between each Super-set (do 2 exercises in a row before starting again)

Dumbbell Squats — 10 to 12 reps — 3 Sets
Front Lunges w/ Dumbbells —10 reps — 3 sets

Sumo Squats w/ Dumbbells  — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets
Side Lunge w/ or w/out Dumbbells  — 10 reps — 3 sets

Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlift  — 10 to 12 reps — 3 sets
Rear Lunge w/ or w/out Dumbbells  — 10 reps — 3 sets

Hip Bridge w/ or w/out Weight  — 15 reps — 3 sets

Bug — 30 seconds — 3 sets
Plank — 30 seconds — 3 sets



Weekly Workouts Planned By YMCA of Greenville (SC) Leslie Knox –  ACSM Certified Personal Trainer

Made possible in part:

As with all exercise programs, when using our exercise videos, you need to use common sense. To reduce and avoid injury, you will want to check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program. By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk., YMCA of Greenville or HIS Radio will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our fitness program, online fitness videos, or information shared on our website. This includes emails, videos and text. Thanks for your understanding.
You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. This is particularly true if you (or your family) have a history of high blood pressure or heart disease, or if you have ever experienced chest pain when exercising or have experienced chest pain in the past month when not engaged in physical activity, smoke, have high cholesterol, are obese, or have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in physical activity. Do not start this fitness program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately.