Reflection of My 12 Journey

As I sit here and think about the last 12 weeks, I realize it was not as much time as I thought it would be. It seems as if the kickoff meeting was only two or three weeks ago. I purposely did not title this a challenge because I have no plans to end it. It is truly a journey and with any journey there are hundreds upon hundreds of highs and lows.

Week one was really awesome until I stepped on the scale and saw no weight loss but I pressed on. There were weeks that were really good and weeks that were really bad. There were some weeks because of sickness and job requirements that I did not get to go to the gym. There were some weeks that I pushed too hard and some weeks that I went too easy. But I have to remind myself this is a journey not a short term challenge.

I did not reach the target I set for myself before the challenge ended, which is why I call it my journey. This is hard for me to write this part of me feels as though I failed and part of feels as though I succeeded, however with any journey there are highs and lows. Apart from the weight I did loose, I was able to develop better eating habits,  lower cholesterol (below 200 for the first time in over 4 years) and I feel better overall. The most important thing I gained from this is unfettered friendship from day one from total strangers. All my Eastside Team members, my Coach Misty and Rob accepted me with open arms and treated me like I was family, not just part of the family of Christ but like blood family. Everyone has been there with me when I was at my lowest and when I was doing well.

God will find a way to put you where he wants you, only if you allow him to. This was such an amazing 12 weeks, but it is just the start to my 12 week journey. With the help of GOD and my new family I plan on continuing this journey with the hopes of being a part of RBL 2018 in some fashion. I want to be able to give back or pay it forward to others the things that have been given to me.

My prayers are with all of the 2017 RBL contestants and those in previous years along with Rob and everyone that takes part in or sponsors the program.

May God richly bless you all!

Mark Sloan

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